In my heart of hearts, I am lazy lazy lazy. I would love nothing more than to lay about in bed reading magazines, watching movies, drinking tea and doing a bunch of nothing. Now, I’m pretty sure that if you ask anyone who has ever met me they would scratch their heads and say, ummmmm, I don’t think so. In fact, if I go back through my life over the last 25 year years, I can barely think of a day that was spent doing that. I’m kind of antsy. I need to always be doing something, which is maybe why I have three jobs (full time makeup artist, owner of this here website/e-comm biz Reed Clarke and also developer of Fiona Stiles Beauty).
But in my soul, in my fiber I am L - A - Z - Y. For example, I am not the type of person who loves exercising. I don’t jump out of bed and race out the door to go for a run. I don’t stretch in the middle of the day because I need to “move my body”. I’d rather be supine. But, and this is where this post takes a turn toward beauty, getting your blood moving is really good for you. Like on a deep cellular level kind of good for you. Like, makes your skin look more radiant in a way that you can’t get from skin care kind of good for you.
So what’s a lazy girl to do? Cheat. And here’s my cheat (and even my cheat has a cheat).... It’s proven that lymphatic stimulation is wonderful for your blood and skin and circulation. But personally I cannot deal with dry brushing. I am not going to stand naked in my shower without delicious, steamy, hot H2O streaming down on me while I dry brush my skin. Not. Gonna. Happen.
However, I do love a good scrub and that’s a great way to get that blood moving. Instead of a using loofah, which is essentially a mold factory (google it) or one of those long scrubby Japanese towels (also a mold factory), my go-to is this beauty from Stimulite . It’s as pretty as it is utilitarian.
Here’s why it’s so bad-ass…. it’s made of silicone which is naturally mold resistant, so it can handle all of those steamy showers without harboring bacteria. The black stripes are stiffer, and the white stripes are a bit softer making the combo just right. Now if you're the sort who enjoys dry brushing, you can 100% use this guy that way. But if you enjoy a frothy lather and yummy warm water, get a little soap on this bad boy and watch it suds up. Focus on the lymph areas; under your arms, along the sides of your neck and your groin to really get the blood flowing and to flush out those impurities.
It’s a great lazy girl cheat and a stellar way to start the day…like a cup of espresso for the circulatory system. Have a go and let me know what you think, cause I think you're gonna freak out and love on it hard.