Recently on a flight from New York to LA, I was seated next to a man who eschewed deodorant. I mean really eschewed. Like ran as fast as he could away from even the notion of deodorant. And while I’m cool with other people’s life choices, it’s a drag when they so directly interfere with your current experience.
For years I’ve been carrying around the incense papers from Ponsont in my purse - I like that they make my bag smell nice and I’m always here for a spontaneous incense sesh. I’ve even begun adding an incense strip into the zippered bag I carry my masks around in (masks are still required for us at work and I also think they’re just polite when doing makeup now).
Well it’s no secret that us makeup artists are at least 60% MacGyver and are terrific problem solvers. Rummaging through my purse I found the incense papers, tore off a corner and dropped it into my mask. Problem solved. Now my personal breathing space smelled like a chic hammam vs. an art school freshman dorm and I was able to enjoy the rest of my cross country journey.
The moral of this story is: Always try to sit next to a makeup artist on a plane because we know how to make any experience more pleasant.