Summer is cute and the sun can feel delightful on the skin, we all love a solid dose of vitamin D, but nothing feels as primally satisfying as hunkering down in the winter and going into hibernation mode. Steamy beverages that warm you from the inside out, a cozy blanket to curl up under while watching a movie or catching up on whatever you happen to currently be binge watching, or ending the day with a hot bath that resets your soul. There’s just something about that need to hibernate and turn inwards that’s deeply restorative and therapeutic.
Here are a few things that round my corners, soften my sharp edges and help me calm the eff down and embrace the hygge...
The Okuhida Onsen Yunohana Powder transports me to another part of the world. I just close my eyes and pretend I’m in a mineral rich hot spring nestled in the mountains of Japan. Until I actually get to travel to this hot springs, their onsen powder will do the trick.
Drop a Yuzu Soap bath bomb into the tub and let the incredible scent of the essential oils wash over you. The unexpected combination of scents snap you out of whatever mood you were in before and give you a hard reset into a fresh mental space. And that skin of yours will be silky soft from the coconut oil, one of the just 4 ingredients in these incredible effervescent cubes, when you’re done with your soak.